
The Road Less Traveled: How I Found My Way Into Drug Development

Photo by  Anjie Webbie  on  Unsplash Can you put a value on the quality of life? I began my post-baccalaureate life searching for a purpose and reason for choosing “science” as a career. I was still searching for my “why”. How could I use what I learned to make my imprint on the world? As luck would have it, my first corporate experience proved to be an amazing learning experience at a cosmetic manufacturer. No idea was too small nor concept too crazy, and thus my career as a formulation chemist began to flourish. As part of the product launch team, my role also required knowledge of appropriate safety testing, labeling requirements, claim substantiation, all regulatory considerations. Caution: Bump Ahead While all of this appeared to be a decent effort at fulfilling my career goals, I still craved something more. Project by project, I felt this pull towards the regulatory world. Attempting to decipher the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) was fascinating to me. I eventually found my w